lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Activision ensures to be involved in the development of Call of Duty... - Vandal

Activision asegura estar implicada en el desarrollo de Call of Duty para VitaIs hab?a accused the compa??a of not tom?rselo seriously.Or Infinity Ward and Treyarch, the two studies of Activision are alternated in the creaci?n of the Call of Duty series, have participated in the development of Call of Duty Black Ops playable components: Declassifield.

John Rafacz, responsible for communications from Treyarch has clarified - how we adelant?bamos yesterday - that "we have not been involved in the versi?n for Vita" in the study. The est? game being developed by the Nihilistic, an independent study in California study.

Meanwhile, Activision has made it clear that the compa??a is involved in this adaptaci?n despite accusations of otherwise low advertising coverage that is him giving est?. "Activision is the editor, but tambi?n have an agreement with Sony to sell Declassified next PlayStation Vita".

The story of the game is sit?a between the second and the first Black Ops by Activision indicating that s? there have been consultations with Treyarch, but only concerning the narrative.

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